Maté Tea

The history of the yerba maté plant dates back roughly 5000 years. It’s believed that the Kaingang ethnic group of Brazil would eat the raw leaves. The goal was to derive some of the health benefits from the plant. Much later, the Guarani people throughout South America started to truly gain the benefits by steeping it.

Maté tea is a traditional drink made from the leaves of the yerba maté plant. which is found in Northern Argentina, Paraguay and southern Brazil. It became so sacred, even being used as currency in trade with other South American civilizations including the Incas. Today, yerba maté is grown solely in these same regions. While multiple attempts have been made to grow the plant in other regions of the world, the plant refuses to grow outside of the traditional lands of the Guarani people.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, maté tea has oftentimes been called a superfood. It’s been noted to boost the immune system, improve digestion and lower stress levels. While maté tea has caffeine, many people indicate that they don’t get the same uncomfortable and jittery feelings associated with other sources of caffeine. Due to the presence of theobromine, a stimulant that makes you feel good, which is also found in chocolate. The other stimulant present is theophylline, is said to provide mental energy. The combination of these three stimulants work together and creates a vastly different effect compared to strictly caffeine. Curious about how maté tea might fit with your diet, explore the blends that we have to offer.